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Cross Curricula Responsibilities

The Character Development Award has been designed to include the three Cross-curricula Responsibilities where possible as well as Physical Education and Physical Literacy elements.

This breakdown has been completed by one of our partner schools in where they found the cross curricula responsibilities to be present within sessions during the first 6 weeks. This breakdown is available for the full 36-week programme and can be made available on request.

Numeracy opportunities
  • Transfer mathematical skills to a variety of contexts and everyday situations
  • Identify the appropriate steps and information needed to complete the task or reach a solution
Literacy opportunities
  • See and hear different people talk, including successful speakers and people with different dialects, and respond to what is being seen and heard
  • Respond orally to a variety of stimuli and ideas
  • Communicate for a range of purposes
  • Speak and listen individually, in pairs, in groups and as members of a class
  • Listen and view attentively, responding to a wide range of communication
  • Use appropriate vocabulary suitable for the situation or purpose
  • Use appropriate vocabulary and terminology to discuss, consider and evaluate their own work and that of others
ICT and Physical Education curriculum statements
  • Overcome challenges of a physical and problem-solving nature with a partner or in a small group
  • Identify why they should be mindful of their own and others’ safety and how to respect the environment
As their work develops:
  • Plan and evaluate their individual or group responses to challenges using key words related to their activity
  • Use what they find out to plan how to improve their next attempts
  • Apply their skills in familiar and unfamiliar environments
  • Determine success criteria for the development of their activity using key words related to their activity
  • Evaluate their own and others’ performances and ask relevant questions in order to improve and make progress
  • Cooperate with others and observe the conventions of fair play, equality and appropriate conduct in individual and team activities
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